Title of the article “Exceptional cases” as a category in the context of implementation by the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine function of representation
doctoral student of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, PhD in Law, m.stefanchuk@gmail.com
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4’2016
Pages [36–42]
Abstract The article highlights the constitutional changes of bases and conditions for implementation by the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine function of representation of interests concerning the legal understanding of the category of “exceptional cases” of such representation. It was analyzed the legislative technique of applying the category of “exceptional cases”. It was proposed to form a list of these cases not by applying the numerus clausus, but by depending on the state recognition of the need to meet the specific needs of the society, which is formed in a particular historical period and defined by various internal and external impact factors.
Keywords Office of public prosecutor; representation of interests; exceptional cases.
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